• Access databases without logging in while connected to the wifi at IDHQ

  • Follow the steps below to gain access to the library databases from anywhere

Initial Set Up

  1. Become an ID Member Emoji :check_mark:

  2. Enroll as COD Student

    1. COD takes care of this step for you. Please note the registration process can take around 3-4 weeks

  3. Once you receive your COD student ID & email, visit  myaccess.cod.edu

  4. Setup your MYACCESS account & password using the steps outlined here & here

  5. Use your newly minted username & password to access databases

Emoji :blue_book: Accessing the Databases

  1. Visit http://codlrc.org

  2. Click on “Databases

  3. Select desired database

  4. Login using your COD student email username & password

Need help answering your research questions or navigating databases?

● Online research appointments available
● Live chat available for assistance

Emoji :clipboard: Related Content

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