Gaining Off-site Access to COD Databases

  • Access databases without logging in while connected to the wifi at IDHQ

  • Follow the steps below to gain access to the library databases from anywhere

Initial Set Up

  1. Become an ID Member

  2. Enroll as COD Student

    1. COD takes care of this step for you. Please note the registration process can take around 3-4 weeks

  3. Once you receive your COD student ID & email, visit

  4. Setup your MYACCESS account & password using the steps outlined here & here

  5. Use your newly minted username & password to access databases

 Accessing the Databases

  1. Visit

  2. Click on “Databases

  3. Select desired database

  4. Login using your COD student email username & password


Need help finding what you’re looking for?

● Online research appointments available
● Live chat available for assistance

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